CCNY Neural Engineering lab presents innovative projects at 2019 Meeting of Neuromodulation: The Science & NYC Neuromodulation

  1. Can kilohertz-frequency Deep Brain Stimulation increase brain tissue temperature?

    Niranjan Khadka, Irene Harmsen, Andres M. Lozano, Marom Bikson

  2. Waveform Characterization, IPG battery life, and Temperature Increases by Senza HF10 Spinal Cord Stimulation System

    Adantachede L Zannou, Niranjan Khadka, Mohmad FallahRad, Dennis Q. Truong, Brian H Kopell, Marom Bikson

  3. Modulation of Sleepiness and Physiology with Brain-Derived and Narrow-Band tACS

    Nigel Gebodh, Laura Vacchi, Zeinab Esmaeilpour, Devin Adair, Alexander Poltorak, Valeria Poltorak, Marom Bikson

  4. Realistic Anatomically Detailed Open-source Spinal Cord Stimulation (RADO SCS) Model

    Niranjan Khadka, Xijie Liu, Jaiti Swami, Hans Zander, Evan Rogers, Scott Lempka, Marom Bikson

    Download: PDF

  5. Mechanism of Temporal Interference (TI) stimulation

    Zeinab Esmaeilpour, Greg Kronberg, Lucas Parra, Marom Bikson

And Prof. Marom Bikson chairs and presents at Session 1: Session 1: New Engineering of Neuromodulation & Brain Machine Interfaces on “Personalized Neuromodulation: Reading the Brain to Write the Brain.” Download Slide: PDF

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